Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Spreading peace over the net

BBC article about the 16 years old teenager from ethica, Trevor, was motivated to try to get a big number of people to sign a treaty of peace. This young man managed to get more than 5OOO person to attend this important event to form the a peace symbol and to be in the Guiness records. He managed to do this things despites of his exams and he was able to spread his new from one of the stongest weapons which is the Internet.

The way this article is related to interculutural convergence is by the fact of having to invite many people that he manage to reach through Facebook in order to attend the Dday. From those 5000 people their must be people from different cultures and backgrounds; however, this young man was able to influence their culture by convincing them to attend this day and to make them believe that peace is vital.

As included in the BBC article, people do a lot of effort to market through using brochures, flyers, posters, etc. However, this boy made it from the internet. We can say that the internet is a primary cause for uniting these people and form the highest Guiness record.