Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Subliminal MSG

See how subliminal message is used here

( see the 25 second)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The US-Public Diplomacy as perceived by Karen Hughes

In the interview with Karen Hughes I was first very impressed by the way they used sport for targeting a special audience. Public diplomacy is used by employing sports. Cal Ripken first stated that because of different languages it is impossible to communicate with Chinese people for example, but while putting them in soccer filed it become easier to communicate and exchange. Sport is considered as universal.
Additionally, we can talk about the role that Karen Hughes had made for public diplomacy in US. She brought a definition of it and tried to use dialogue as tool of communication with the other part of the world as German even if US don’t use the concept of dialogue correctly since they just it is a ONE way communication.
There is also the point of liberalization and occupation in Iraq, since Us say that they were in Iraq to liberalise it from Sadam, but now that Sadam died what do they still do their? Hughes stated that public diplomacy play a major role to combat terrorist after the 11 september. So USA tries to share it culture with the whole world and give a positive image in a universal scale.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Seven Common Propaganda Devices

Here are the seven common propaganda devices:
1. Name-calling :

This involves the use of words to connect a person or idea to a

negative concept. The aim is to make a person reject something without examining the evidence because of the negative associations attached to it.
Examples of words include ‘Terrorist‘, ‘Nazi‘ and ‘Queer’.
Name Calling is used as a substitute for arguing the merits of an idea, belief, or proposal. It is often employed using sarcasm and ridicule in political cartoons and writing.

2. Glittering Generalities
The opposite of name-calling, this involves the use of highly valued concepts and beliefs which attract general approval and acclaim. These are vague, emotionally attractive words like ‘freedom‘, ‘honor‘ and ‘love‘.
This method works because these concepts/words mean different things to different people, while still having a positive implication.
When someone talks to us about democracy, we immediately think of our own definite ideas about democracy, the ideas we learned at home, at school, and in church.
Our first and natural reaction is to assume that the speaker is using the word in our sense, that he believes as we do on this important subject. This lowers our ’sales resistance’ and makes us far less suspicious..

This is the list of "positive, governing words" that GOP candidates were told to use when speaking about themselves or their policies.
Common sense
Eliminate good-time in prison
Hard work
Pro-(issue) flag, children, environment
3. Transfer
This is a technique used to carry over the authority and approval of something you respect and revere to something the propagandist would have you accept. One does this by projecting the qualities of an entity, person or symbol to another through visual or mental association.
This stimulates the recipient and makes him/her identify with recognized authorities.
In the Transfer device, symbols are constantly used. The cross represents the Christian Church. The flag represents the nation. Cartoons like Uncle Sam represent a consensus of public opinion. Those symbols stir emotions. At their very sight, with the speed of light, is aroused the whole complex of feelings we have with respect to church or nation.

Single hand symbols: 1.Dissenting person, 2.Beetle, 3.Ray, 4.Anger, 5.Excellent, 6.Bangle, 7.Neck, 8.Armlet, 9.Negative
Double hand symbols: 1.Tusk, 2.Seperation, 3.Forlimb, 4.Waist, 5.Vedam, 6.Brother, 7.Pillar, 8.Mortar, 9.Speedy, 10.Devil, 11.Growth

4. Testimonial
The aim of testimonial is to leverage the experience, authority and respect of a person and use it to endorse a product or cause. Testimonials appeal to emotions instead of logic because they generally provide weak justifications for the product or a cause of action.
‘The Times said,’ ‘John L. Lewis said…,’ ‘Herbert Hoover said…’, ‘The President said…’, ‘My doctor said…,’ ‘Our minister said…’ Some of these Testimonials may merely give greater emphasis to a legitimate and accurate idea, a fair use of the device; others, however, may represent the sugar-coating of a distortion, a falsehood, a misunderstood notion, an anti-social suggestion…”

5. Plain Folks
A technique whereby the propagandist positions him or herself as an average person just like the target audience, thereby demonstrating the ability to empathize and understand the concerns/feelings of the masses.
One may perform ordinary actions or use language and mannerisms to reach the audience and cohere with their point of view.
We are all familiar with candidates who campaign as political outsiders, promising to “clean out the barn” and set things straight in Washington. The political landscape is dotted with politicians who challenge a mythical “cultural elite,” presumably aligning themselves with “ordinary Americans.” As baby boomers approach their sixth decade, we are no longer shocked by the sight of politicians in denim who listen to rock n roll.

6. Card Stacking
A way of manipulating audience perceptions by emphasizing one side of an argument which reinforces your position, while repressing/minimizing dissenting opinions. An example of this articles/media events which compare and contrast the best possible scenarios with the worse examples.
Assume a newspaper editor were in favor of the non-enforcement of immigration laws. Should the issue of immigration law enforcement ever be debated among legislators, the editor might publish articles and editorials that ignore all mention of illegal alien criminals, gang members, and prisoners and report only on decent, hard-working foreigners instead. This sort of card stacking could go on for weeks and influence public opinion on the issue.

7. Bandwagon
The basic premise for the bandwagon technique is to suggest that ’since everyone is doing it, you should too’. It’s aim to persuade people to follow a general trend by reinforcing the human need to participate on the winning side. One can suggest to an audience that he or she will lose out by not moving with the rest of the crowd, thus preying on their insecurities and fears.
With the aid of all the other propaganda devices, all of the artifices of flattery are used to harness the fears and hatreds, prejudices and biases, convictions and ideals common to a group. Thus is emotion made to push and pull us as members of a group onto a Band Wagon.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Morocco is lagging behind

As reported on the BBC articles, Djibouti, Yemen, Iraq and Morocco were ranked the worst educational reformers. Those countries must improve their educational field because its affect the economic development. They must focus on the quality of education and try to improve it. For instance, Morocco system of education is based on memorising rather than trying to develop the critical thinking and innovation of its population. The problem does not come from the teacher manner of teaching, but from the government policy.
Beside the fact that the government changes the system frequently, the bad infrastructure of the schools and crowded class (36 student in same class) also exists. Sometimes in rural cities, they even do not have light. This fact do not help students to achieve their goals. All in all, the Government must allocate more attention and cash to remove the illiteracy that still exist, it is a shame for us to found illiterate people in the 21century.
As a solution, I think that the basics must change which means that the the governement must work hard enough while conducting the system, buiding the schools and also while informing the professors and teachers. If the persons that teach are not well informed, automatically, the students will have a low level of education. Those teachers must have a sense of teaching so that they can know the program but they do not know how to deliver it.

McDonald's and glocalization

This video shows how McDonald's use to change the design of its stores depending on the location. Moreover, McDonalds company alter their menus depending on the localityexigences. For instance, in India no meat exists in McDonalds, During Ramadan in Morocco "Ftour" menues is launched.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Digital visionary: Nicholas Negroponte

Nicholas Negroponte the founder of the 100$ laptop, has done a great job since the goal is fundamental role in educational programmes for children in remote, rural, and poor regions of the world. Nicholas creates this laptop at low price for educational purposes he told in the NY times "You have to remember that what this is about is education." He tried to enable knowledge to be accessible to everyone.
But will it be effective in the developing countries? Since a large number of people in the developing countries are poorly or not educated at all, it will be difficult for them to use this laptop. It is true that it will help to connect to the world but how will they use it. Nicholas initiative is good because of the symbolic price, but it could be excellent if people in the developing countries could take advantage from it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Spreading peace over the net

BBC article about the 16 years old teenager from ethica, Trevor, was motivated to try to get a big number of people to sign a treaty of peace. This young man managed to get more than 5OOO person to attend this important event to form the a peace symbol and to be in the Guiness records. He managed to do this things despites of his exams and he was able to spread his new from one of the stongest weapons which is the Internet.

The way this article is related to interculutural convergence is by the fact of having to invite many people that he manage to reach through Facebook in order to attend the Dday. From those 5000 people their must be people from different cultures and backgrounds; however, this young man was able to influence their culture by convincing them to attend this day and to make them believe that peace is vital.

As included in the BBC article, people do a lot of effort to market through using brochures, flyers, posters, etc. However, this boy made it from the internet. We can say that the internet is a primary cause for uniting these people and form the highest Guiness record.

Definitions: Polity VS politic

Polity is a group with an organized governance. Normally a politically organized population or can be a religious one. It is often used to describe a loosely organized society such as a tribe or communicty, but can mean any political group including a governement or empire, corporation or academy. It is also used in the phrase ecclesiastical polity as a synonym of church governement.

Politics is the art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.
Max weber definition: Politics mean striving to share power or striving to influence the distribution of power, either among states or among groups within a state.”

Monday, June 30, 2008

Types of advertising

Social Advertising:
Social advertising is designed to educate or motivate members of a public to engage in voluntary social activity such as commmunity service, energy conservation, recycling.

First social ad example:

Second Social ad example:

Edutainment Advertising:
Edutainment advertising is advertising that use a combination of both education function and entertainment content.

First edutainment ad:

Second edutainment ad:

Advocacy Advertising:
Advocay advertising is advertising used to espouse a point of view about controversial public issues. Advocacy advertising can be directed at either specific targets, or general targets, such as political activists, the media, consumer groups, government agencies, or competitors. It can be sponsored by any type of advertiser (businesses, consumer groups, special interest groups, political parties, or even individuals).

Public-Service Advertinsing:
Public-service advertising is advertising with a central focus on public welfare, and is generally sponsored by a non-profit institution, civic group, religious organization, trade association, or political group.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Historical Paths of Global Communication

I- Geographical Space: A barrier to communication
II- Geography and the Mythical World
III- Ancient Encounters of Societies and Cultures
IV- Global Explorers: Migrants, Holy People, Merchants
V- Mapmakers in the Medieval World
VII- The Printing Press, the Knowledge Explosion
VIII- The Growth of the telegraph
IX- The Era of News Agencies
X- The Rise of Reuters

Geographical Space: A barrier to communication

In the past, distance was a hadicap for people to communicate with others.
•Geography of space” =“Geography of experience” through space of flow.

-Distance is no more a problem to communicate. Technological tools, for instance T.V, Internet, Radio, etc. made the world small and easy to access for every single person.
Geography and the Mythical World

-Frances Cairncross, argue that the speed of communication is creating a world where the miles have little to do with our ability to work or interact together
-Cairncross predicts that much work that can be done on a computer can be done from anywhere
-Cairncross discusses about 30 major changes likely to result from these trends, including a diminishing need for countries to want emigration.

Ancient Encounters of Societies and Cultures

-In addition to official systems of communication, there have also been informal networks of travelers and traders
-The technologies of international communication may be contemporary phenomena but trade and cultural interchanges have existed for more than two millennia between the Graeco-Roman world with Arabia, India and China
-Information and ideas were communicated across continents, as shown by the spread of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.

Global Explorers: Migrants, Holy People, Merchants

-Waves of emigration as a result of industrialization helped to create a popular demand for news from relatives at home and abroad and a climate of international consciousness

Mapmakers in the Medieval World

-Mapmaking was an integral part of communication history
-Maps were widely considered to be valuable keys to unlocking unknown worlds
(Chritopher Colombus while discovering US)

The Printing Press, the Knowledge Explosion

-It was the Moslems, who developed paper technology and brought it to Europe
-In the sixteen century paper was available
-Once, printing with “movables” types became available, it was recognized as a truly extraordinary technological advance
-Johannes Gutenberg made a truly significant technological advance
-He eventually managed to cast individual letters in molten metal in such a way that they would be as clear and sharp as those on this slide
-The number of books available exploded as the printing press quickly spread throughout Europe
-Because more and more of these books appeared in the vernacular, printing greatly accelerated the development in science, philosophy, and religion

In Imagined Communities, (1983) Benedict Anderson gives a detailed analysis of the interaction between capitalism and printing
-The printing revolution helped to lay the basis for the Reformation and the foundations of nationalism (nation-state) and of modern capitalism
-The new languages, mainly European ones: Spanish, English, French became the main vehicle of communication for the European colonial power in many parts of the world
-To harmonize international postal rates and to recognize the principle of respect for the secrecy of correspondence, the Universal Postal Union was established in 1875 in Berne, under the Universal Postal Convention of 1874

The Growth of the telegraph

-The second half of the nineteenth century witnessed an expanding system of imperial communications made at place by the electric telegraph
-The telegraph made the transmission of information rapid and ensured secrecy and protection of codes
-As usual, the business community was first to make use of this new technology (current parallelism)
-The rapid development of the telegraphy was crucial feature in the unification of the British Empire
-By the end of the century, as a result of the cable connections, the telegraph allowed the Colonial Office and the India Office to communicate directly with the Empire within minutes
-The new technology also had significant military implications
-The overhead telegraph, installed in Algeria in 1842, proved a decisive aid to the French during the occupation and colonization of Algeria
-To regulate the growing internationalization of information, the International Telegraph Union was founded in 1865 with 22 members, all European, except Persia
-The cable technology was an essential part of the new imperialism
-The cables were the arteries of international networks of information, of intelligence of services and of propaganda
-After the war, the debates over who should control the cables dominated discussions at the 1919 peace talks at Versailles and reflected the rivalry between the British cable companies and the growing US radio interest for ownership and control of global communications networks
-The USA proposed that the cables be held jointly under international control or trusteeship and that a world congress be convened to consider international aspects of telegraph, cable and radio communication
The Era of News Agencies

-The French Havas Agency (ancestor of APF) was founded in 1835, the German agency Wolff in 1849 and the British Reuters in 1851, it was created by Charles-Louis Havas in 1835 in Paris and used by merchants & government officials
-Starting 1860, the agency was reporting news from all over Europe
-As a result of the Nazi aggression, the French government took the agency over
-The three European agencies began as international one subsidized by their respective governments
-The three European agencies controlled information markets in Europe and were looking beyond the continent to expand their operations
-In 1870, they signed a treaty to divide up the world market between them
-The resulting associations of agencies became known as the league of Allied Agencies
-The basic contract set the “reserved territories” for the three agencies
-Each agency made its own separate contracts with national agencies or other subscribers within its own territory
-Sometimes the three agencies shared territories in which all three agencies had equal rights
-However, Reuters tended to dominate
-Its influence was due to the British Empire
Reuters =>British Empire=>Reuters
-However, Reuters tended to dominate
-Its influence was due to the British Empire
-British control of cable lines made London itself an unrivalled centre for world news
-After the First World War, Wolff ceased to be a world agency and AP started to challenge Reuters and Havas Agency

The Rise of Reuters

-Communication was critical to the expansion and consolidation of modern European empires
-The fortunes of Reuters, the most known international news agency can be seen to run in parallel with the growth of the British Empire
-Reuters had been started in 1851 by entrepreneur Julius Reuter
-It started sending news and commercial information from Achen to Brussels via pigeon
-Paul Julius Reuters noticed that, with the electric telegraph, news no longer required days or weeks to travel long distances
-In 1865, Reuter's private firm was restructured and became a limited company called Reuter’s Telegram Company
-The expansion of trade and investment had led to a huge growth in the demand for news and contributed to the commercialization of news and information services
- Reuters exploited this demand helped by the new communication technologies, especially the telegraph
-The expansion of European capitalism had created a pressing need for improved commercial intelligence
-The relationship between capital and communication was an aspect of what has been called the
-Functions like a multiplier that turns
An increase in the supply of information = An increase in businesses